Thursday, November 24, 2005



在妳失戀之後,可以找他陪妳度過傷心寂寞的日子, 但他終究不是妳愛的人.






一開始效果不見得好,但日久見人心, 藥效是愈來愈顯著,到最後一定能病癒. 而且藥性溫和不傷身,只要堅持得久,包君滿意.



縱然人生是白忙一場, 也要忙得很快樂

有一隻狐狸, 在路上閒逛時, 眼前忽然出現一個很大的葡萄園, 果實纍纍, 每顆葡萄看起來都很可口, 讓牠垂涎欲滴. 葡萄園的四周圍著鐵欄杆,狐狸想從欄杆的縫隙鑽進園內, 卻因身體太胖了, 鑽不過去. 於是狐狸決定減肥, 讓自己瘦下來.
牠在園外餓了三天三夜後, 果然變苗條了,真是皇天不負苦心人, 終於順利鑽進葡萄園內. 狐狸在園內大快朵頤. 葡萄真是又甜又香啊!!!

不知吃了多久, 牠終於心滿意足了.

但當牠想溜出園外時, 卻發現自己又因為吃得太胖而鑽不出欄杆,於是只好又在園內餓了三天三夜,瘦得跟原先一樣時, 才順利地鑽出園外. 回到外面世界的狐狸, 看著園內的葡萄, 不禁感嘆:

  空著肚子進去, 又空著肚子出來, 真是白忙一場啊!!
我起初也以為這個故事告訴我們,人孑然一身來到這世界,又孑然一身的離開這個世界, 到頭來還不是白忙一場!!! 呵, 這個講故事的人卻說, 看問題要看重點. 這個故事跟人生一樣,重點是在中間的部份:你看, 狐狸在葡萄園內吃得多麼快樂啊!!

“即使生命是一場空,也要空得很充實, 縱然人生是白忙一場,也要忙得很快樂.”

即使在這慌亂的年代裡,心又將起起落落,尤其在這疫情的恐慌中,無論你的心情好壞與否,日子還 是得好好的過;


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Financial Wellness

People have been expanding the definition of wellness to include physical health, mental health, and even social health these days, and I would argue that financial health should also be a part of that definition.

A lot of people growing up in the school system learning about the academics and developing skills but most financial knowledges are coming from the family or parents. In the modern society, financial skills can almost be considered an important survival skills. This is not with the aim to make everyone rich, but at least it should help putting things in perspective. In certain cultures, prudent financial management is passed on as a part of family values from generations to generations. But in some society, mis-management in personal finances can spell disaster for the individual, family and others. Being responsible financially is one key steps in achieving success. But money and material wealth should be considered as only a part of one's value system. Being able to separate the needs and the wants are important. A lot of people knows how to trade securities but not have a financial plan. Even more people go in debt for consumption and see no return. Suppose given careful planning, everyone can be a millionaire at some point in their lives, it's a matter of choice how to accomplish it. It's a balance between time, risk and discipline.

Let me share an interesting scene. During my short stay in Hong Kong, I spent a morning doing the morning walk with my dad. There was some of the last things that I was expecting to see. A group of people who walked along us were talk about Fed rate hike's impact on real estates, the trend on Japanese Yen and recovery, as well as the latest IPOs of Chinese companies. And they asked me my opinions on the currencies, and the Canadian market. These savvy investors in the discussion read multiple newspapers and watch financial channels to follow what's happening around the world, but they are just individuals investing their own retirement capital. And from the appearance, these are just normal people that you see on the streets, they dress casually, talk your everyday topics, but they just have that knowledge and are not afraid to move their capital quickly.

It's a pretty humbling experience, I guess especially for those who think just following the news and others recommendations will be sufficient in financial success. The financial markets may not be perfectly efficient, but there are many many informed and smart participants.