Saturday, August 26, 2006



雨說:我們相似,因為我們墜落的方向一致, 由上而來,最終都是滑下去。
淚說:你錯了,我在心裡早已彎彎曲曲, 圈轉了一次又一次。
淚說:你又錯了,當我終於滑落的時候, 我在心裡早已蓄滿,早就藏了何止一譚。
雨於是笑了,對淚說,不管是不是相似, 這一刻,我們的結局卻注定要融為一體。

淚還想反駁,卻已被雨緊緊的擁入了懷裡。 裡面畫滿了五顏六色的感情。



可口可樂總裁曾說:我們每個人都像小丑,玩著五個球,五個球是你的 工作、 健康、 家庭、 朋友、 靈魂, 這五個球只有一個是用橡膠做的,掉下去會彈起來,那就是工作。



The problem with being future-oriented

The problem with being future-oriented is that one may never ever be able to see the final results before everybody else has already done the trick of changing others' perception.

Results will come later, eventually, right, for the long term, but it would not matter anymore. Everyone has already moved on.

And the ones who should have been recognized and rewarded, have already been penalized instead.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006





Sunday, August 13, 2006

A life between Caffeine and Alcohol

When a life is lived between caffeine and alcohol, what does it do to the human body? the soul?

A coffee makes the smart and a drink makes one mellow. These things were meant to bring people enjoyment, but these are also the ultimate conventional binary biological weapons, but the caffeiene cannot stop the headache, the alcohol cannot take away the heartache.

Like people who drive a car by having the foot on either the accelerator or the brake all the time, that's going to hurt the vehicle quickly. For sure the excitement is there, but what is left in the end?

How does one feel when driving becomes cruising? What will life become without caffeine and alcohol?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Respect for personal space and time

People these days do not have enough respect for personal space and time, or even a little room to think and concentrate. With computer technology and other communication means, people are expected to be always available and accessible. And when not connected and constantly receiving information, one easily feels left out or not following what is going on. And if you don't defend your own little space, no one will do that for you.

For those who values respect, quality and balance, this is frustrating. Spending the time to think and do things right can be perceived as poor performance, and being unavailable for a random question may be considered not responsive. In contrast, people would expect others to spend hours on endless status calls that only add value to a small group, but are non-productive for a large audience.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Express yourself

How do one express oneself? By dressing differently, speaking differently, behaving differently?

In Japan, you can dress however the hell you like, and nobody will look at you like you are nuts. In fact, they look at your style, your personal expression.

In North America, if you mix and match beyond the "norm" a bit, may that be colour combination, the size and cut, people look at you as no taste or don't know what you are doing.

Everyone says the Asian cultures are more collection, but now who is more collective than individualistic?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Persistance meets Consistency

If one persists to ask another one out, but the other just keep on rejecting consistently, who will give first? That will mark a different stage of the relationship, one way or another.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Shopping as a way to bond

One of the best way to bond two women is to send them out shopping together - I have seen it effectively happen INSTANTLY, even across cultures. There's probably one condition - only when one is not intimidated by the other's taste and / or budget.

One side note on all the research done about different shopping patterns between men and women. A guy can also shop like a woman - or a kid - it all depends on the store and the items to be put in the basket.

Are you synchronized?

Who does not want to be time optimized, always catch the right bus, take the next express train that only stops at the destination, no need to wait for elevators, go with the green light?

Unfortunately our world doesn't work in a synchronized manner - or maybe it's just that you are not synchronized with the giant clock.

How about your life clock?