Sunday, December 16, 2007

The psychology of gains and losses

There are more people who are worried about being poor than there are people wanting to get rich.

People feel more upset about investment losses than happy about investment gains. Some investors actually feel content with any gain while cannot tolerate losses.

Ironically, this is the product that people tend to want to buy at high price while sell or turn uninterested when the price is low.

Sunday Blues

What matters?

A lot of time it's not the intellect or hard work that makes a difference, but just contacts and timing. Of course, all four are necessary for big successes, but too often the connection and timing make or break accomplishments.

The other way to look at it is you can control intellect and hard work, while contacts and timing you have less control over. When it comes to adding value to others or this world, there is a place for people who make the right kind of connections and influence decisions. All too often, people use that as a short cut though. I guess the fact that we know about this fact means it's a fair game. It's just our choice whether to leverage it or not.

Monday, July 23, 2007












Thursday, July 12, 2007


我的生活總是在遠方,都在想: 如果明天我有錢,我就可以......。


你想要拒絕一個人的約會, 已經不需要任何理由,你有權力過自己要過的生活,有權力去自己要去的地方。

男人跟女人都很喜歡在自己的人生設一個 deadline,比如說:
我25歲一定要結婚, 26歲一定生孩子, 30歲時一定要一男一女, 31歲的時候一定要有房子,所以很多決定就很草率。




知道自己 「有限」的聰明











看了許久,媽媽終於忍不住叫住她的孩子,問她說: 「你在做什麼啊?」

人們最容易犯的錯就是: 用自己腦袋中的觀念去解釋別人眼中的事物,其實有多少事情是只有一種理解途徑的呢?


Thursday, July 05, 2007



他 說,如果老是給樹苗澆水,樹根就會習慣於土壤淺層的舒適環境,而且總等著輕易就能得到來自地面的水。因為他不常澆水,樹確實會長得慢一些,但這樣樹根就能 向土壤的深處生長,去那裡尋找水份和養料。因此,這些樹會有很深的根,更能抵抗惡劣氣候的侵襲。他還告訴我,他每天都會拍打這些樹。







Saturday, June 09, 2007

Strengths vs. Weaknesses

This is a classical debate - should we work on our strengths or our weaknesses?

Most societies and cultures teach people to work on weaknesses because they are obvious targets for improvement. As we grow up, people would not ask questions on subjects that we do well, but will only pay attention to failing grades or areas that we don't do well. At work, strengths are considered given, and much attention are given to "areas of opportunities". The system rewards being all rounded and to a certain degree, assumes people have to follow a checklist and are not rewarded for bringing unique strengths on the table.

We all have our very special abilities, those things that we are keenly interested in, derive satisfaction from, and are not surprisingly doing very good at. Some of these strengths are more observable, like communication, while others like strategic thinking and relationship building are more difficult to quantify. But when we are in the "zone", we are not guided by external reward systems but simply what makes us a better person.

Professional athletes will tell you that you must focus on your strength in order to be even competitive. Each activity require a certain level of generic skills, but what distinguishes a very good player and a master is the combination of talent and focused effort on maximizing one's talent. And when you compete at the top level, either having talent or working hard is not sufficient.

From a return on effort standpoint, focusing efforts on improving one's strength also make sense. A high performance team will have people with different strengths working at their own best, while being able to collaborate smoothly. A group of generalists will be challenged every way.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

52 Proven Stress Reducers

  1. Get up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning.  The inevitable morning mishaps will be less stressful.

  2. Prepare for the morning the evening before.  Set the breakfast table, make lunches, put out the clothes you plan to wear, etc.

  3. Don't rely on your memory.  Write down appointment times, when to pick up the laundry, when library books are due, etc.

  4. Do nothing which, after being done, leads you to tell a lie.

  5. Make duplicates of all keys.  Bury a house key in a secret spot in the garden and carry a duplicate car key in your wallet, apart from your key ring.

  6. Practice preventive maintenance.  Your car, appliances, home, and relationships will be less likely to break down/fall apart "at the worst possible moment."

  7. Be prepared to wait.  A paperback can make a wait in a post office line almost pleasant.

  8. Procrastination is stressful.  Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do today; whatever you want to do today, do it now.

  9. Plan ahead.  Don't let the gas tank get below one-quarter full; keep a well-stocked "emergency shelf" of home staples; don't wait until you're down to your last bus token or postage stamp to buy more; etc.

  10. Don't put up with something that doesn't work right.  If your alarm clock, wallet, shoe laces, windshield wipers - whatever- are a constant aggravation, get them fixed or get new ones.

  11. Allow 15 minutes of extra time to get to appointments.  Plan to arrive at an airport one hour before domestic departures.

  12. Eliminate (or restrict) the amount of caffeine in your diet.

  13. Always set up contingency plans, "just in case." ("If for some reason either of us is delayed, here's what we'll do. . ." kind of thing.  Or, "If we get split up in the shopping center, here's where we'll meet.")

  14. Relax your standards.  The world will not end if the grass doesn't get mowed this weekend.

  15. Pollyanna-Power!  For every one thing that goes wrong, there are probably 10 or 50 or 100 blessings.  Count 'em!

  16. Ask questions.  Taking a few moments to repeat back directions, what someone expects of you, etc., can save hours.  (The old "the hurrieder I go, the behinder I get," idea.)

  17. Say "No!"  Saying "no" to extra projects, social activities, and invitations you know you don't have the time or energy for takes practice, self-respect, and a belief that everyone, everyday, needs quiet time to relax and be alone.

  18. Unplug your phone.  Want to take a long bath, meditate, sleep, or read without interruption?  Drum up the courage to temporarily disconnect.  (The possibility of there being a terrible emergency in the next hour or so is almost nil.)  Or use an answering machine.

  19. Turn "needs" into preferences.  Our basic physical needs translate into food, water, and keeping warm.  Everything else is a preference. Don't get attached to preferences.

  20. Simplify, simplify, simplify. . .

  21. Make friends with non-worriers.  Nothing can get you into the habit of worrying faster than associating with chronic worrywarts.

  22. Get up and stretch periodically if your job requires that you sit for extended periods.

  23. Wear earplugs.  If you need to find quiet at home, pop in some earplugs.

  24. Get enough sleep.  If necessary, use an alarm clock to remind you to go to bed.

  25. Create order out of chaos. 
    Organize your home and workspace so that you always know exactly where things are.  Put things away where they belong and you won't have to go through the stress of losing things.

  26. When feeling stressed, most people tend to breathe short, shallow breaths.  When you breathe like this, stale air is not expelled, oxidation of the tissues is incomplete, and muscle tension frequently results.  Check your breathing throughout the day,  and before, during, and after high-pressure situations.  If you find your stomach muscles knotted and your breathing is shallow, relax all your muscles and take several deep, slow breaths. 

  27. Writing your thoughts and feelings down (in a journal, or on paper to  be thrown away) can help you clarify things and can give you a renewed perspective

  28. Try the following yoga technique whenever you feel the need to relax. Inhale deeply through your nose to the count of eight.  Then, with lips puckered, exhale very slowly through your mouth to the count of 16, or for as long as you can.  Concentrate on the long sighing sound and feel the tension dissolve.  Repeat 10 times.

  29. Inoculate yourself against a feared event.  Example:  before speaking in public, take time to go over every part of the experience in your mind.  Imagine what you'll wear, what the audience will look like, how you will present your talk, what the questions will be and how you will answer them, etc.  Visualize the experience the way you would have it be.  You'll likely find that when the time comes to make the actual presentation, it will be "old hat" and much of your anxiety will have fled.

  30. When the stress of having to get a job done gets in the way of getting the job done, diversion - a voluntary change in activity and/or environment - may be just what you need.

  31. Talk it out.  Discussing your problems with a trusted friend can help clear your mind of confusion so you can concentrate on problem solving.

  32. One of the most obvious ways to avoid unnecessary stress is to select an environment (work, home, leisure) which is in line with your personal needs and desires.  If you hate desk jobs, don't accept a job which requires that you sit at a desk all day.  If you hate to talk politics, don't associate with people who love to talk politics, etc.

  33. Learn to live one day at a time.

  34. Every day, do something you really enjoy.

  35. Add an ounce of love to everything you do.

  36. Take a hot bath or shower (or a cool one in summertime) to relieve tension.

  37. Do something for somebody else.

  38. Focus on understanding rather than on being understood; on loving rather than on being loved.

  39. Do something that will improve your appearance.  Looking better can help you feel better.

  40. Schedule a realistic day.  Avoid the tendency to schedule back-to-back appointments; allow time between appointments for a breathing spell.

  41. Become more flexible.  Some things are worth not doing perfectly and some issues are fine to compromise upon.

  42. Eliminate destructive self-talk:  "I'm too old to. . .,"  "I'm too fat to. . .," etc.

  43. Use your weekend time for a change of pace.  If your work week is slow and patterned, make sure there is action and time for spontaneity built into your weekends.  If your work week is fast-paced and full of people and deadlines, seek peace and solitude during your days off.  Feel as if you aren't accomplishing anything at work?  Tackle a job on the weekend which you can finish to your satisfaction.

  44. Worry about the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves."  That's another way of saying:  take care of the todays as best you can and the yesterdays and the tomorrows will take care of themselves.

  45. Do one thing at a time.  When you are with someone, be with that person and with no one or nothing else.  When you are busy with a project, concentrate on doing that project and forget about everything else you have to do.

  46. Allow yourself time - everyday - for privacy, quiet, and introspection.

  47. If an especially unpleasant task faces you, do it early in the day and get it over with, then the rest of your day will be free of anxiety.

  48. Learn to delegate responsibility to capable others.

  49. Don't forget to take a lunch break.  Try to get away from your desk or work area in body and mind, even if it's just for 15 or 20 minutes.

  50. Forget about counting to 10.  Count to 1,000 before doing something or saying anything that could make matters worse.

  51. Have a forgiving view of events and people.  Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world.

  52. Have an optimistic view of the world.  Believe that most people are doing the best they can.