Thursday, July 06, 2006


Time is our most valuable asset, and it is irreplaceable.

Some people think that money or material wealth is more important, but it is not really convertible. People work hard on a job, convert their precious time to money (a more standard exchange of value), then on their vacations, they spend money to get the most out of their time (e.g. fly versus drive). Some people choose not to take vacation so they can make some more money (less taxes), while some would spend money to buy more vacation days.

How do one judge whether how much personal time is worth?

You spend time to train your body, make money, build relationships, enjoy what you are here on this world for.
  • Sometimes you can spend money to buy some time, but you cannot fully control that process or the conversion factor.
  • Some people choose to "spend" their health to buy some time, but the cost can be higher than they think.
  • Even in investing, you are constantly in a trade off process between time and risk. You always have the option of taking safe returns that can compound over time. But if you want to beat time? You take on more risks.

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